This is going to be my blog where I research animals! I will post the different and cool things I learn!
It is about all kinds of animals!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Monkey Discoverd!!

The Lesula, or Cercopithecus lomamiensis, is the first new species of monkey found in 28 years.This new species of monkey was found in the lush rainforest in Congo! It is called the Lesula!
 John Hart, a veteran Congo researcher said, "When I first saw it, I immediately knew it was something new and different -- I just didn't know how significant it was,"
He first saw the monkey in a picture with a girl named Georgette! She is a principal's daughter! Georgette's uncle found the monkey on a hunting trip! The monkey really liked Georgette and became known as "Georgette's lesula" 
 New monkey's home territory 
This is a map of the monkey's territory. It is the red spot!
This is the first monkey discovered in 28 years!  
It has almost human eyes! 
A pink face! 
A golden mane! 
And a giant blue backside!!!The picture that started it all: Georgette with her monkey friend. 
This is a picture of Georgette and her monkey! She is 18 years old now and her lesula one day was gone! They think someone maybe cooked it in a pot and ate it!! Yuck!

Pictures and information credit to these websites:

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